Paranormal Video!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

UAPs in the UK

Possibly directly related to this news that the Pope says it's okay to believe in aliens, Britain's Ministry of Defense has released reports regarding "unexplained aerial phenomena" (UAP) from some theoretically highly-credible sources, including air-traffic controllers.

A snippet:

"4 p.m. on April 19, 1984: [...] The air traffic controllers' 'Report of Unusual Aerial Phenomenon' was filed from an unspecified small airport near the eastern coast of England.
The men, each with more than eight years on the job, described how they were helping guide a small plane to a landing on runway 22 when they were distracted by a brightly lit object approaching a different runway without clearance.
'Everyone became aware that the object was unidentified,' their report said. 'SATCO (code name for a controller with 14 years experience) reports that the object came in "at speed," made a touch and go on runway 27, then departed at "terrific speed" in a "near vertical" climb'."

Another credible witness report:

AP's caption:
In this image made available by Britain's National Archives Wednesday May 14, 3008, a sketch made by a police officer after a sighting of an unidentified Flying Object in England in 1984 is seen.
[Wow - not only do we get UFOs, but time-traveling images!]

Article archived here.

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